
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Teal Time

hello, beauts! 
Most of you have probably noticed that it has been some time since my last post, but only because I have been so busy with graduation! That's right, I am officially a high school graduate and I could not be more thrilled. Despite being out of school for a week now, it has yet to truly feel like summer-- one reason being that the weather has been rather bipolar lately. But also because I jumped right into work the day after graduation! And let me tell you, I would hardly call this work... its my passion.
For my senior project, I interned at a free bimonthly magazine in Boston called The Improper Bostonian (Like their facebook page!). For two and a half weeks I worked in their downtown office as a marketing and advertising intern, learning all sorts of things from how to courrier a package to how to make an ad deal for appealing to local businesses. While that was all good and interesting, my main goal in interning for The Improper was to get a glimpse into the overall lifestyle of working for a magazine, and not just the advertising side of things. So, as it turned out, I eventually met with the magazine's contributing fashion editor Lydia Santangelo, who--for lack of better term--stole me right from the office to be her own intern! Right away she had me working on a photo shoot for the upcoming issue, and now I am assisting for my very first fashion show for Clark's shoes! Yes, yes, it is all very exciting indeed, and I cannot wait to tell you all more about it. Stay tuned as the summer goes on (check my blog, twitter, facebook page)-- I'm sure I will have much to tell. 

In the mean time my weekends have been full with grad parties. I went to three just today! Going from one party to the next, I needed an outfit that would be comfy enough to be in all day, yet scream that I am fully aware of the latest summer must-haves. I wore these teal lace shorts from Forever 21 with a blue tee from LF that I received for my birthday a couple years ago. Paired with two necklaces made by my darling mother (craft runs in the family) and a tan sandal heel. 

Happy Friday, my lovelies!

xo Mer

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